Covid-19: Aurabeat’s FDA approved air purifier reduces all risks of infection and airborne transmission


KUALA LUMPUR, 15 January 2020 – As health-based industries rush towards remedial steps in overcoming the pandemonium wreaked by COVID-19, Malaysia’s Solomon Global Sdn Bhd is first to bring the nation closer to a solution.

The Aurabeat AG+™ Silver Ion Plasma Sterilisation Air Purifier was developed in Hong Kong late last year and received the approval of the United States’ (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before the go-ahead from Malaysia’s very own Suruhanjaya Tenaga in November, marking its entry into the local market.

“The product will help not just home-owners but also business owners who can put the minds of their staff, and their customers’ at ease. This will serve to preserve their business growth and boost the economy as a whole,” said Daryl Seow who is Solomon Global Managing Director.

Daryl Seow, Managing Director Solomon Global

Noting the accelerated pace of development and distribution of vaccinations, he said the air purifier had already been deployed in highly infectious environments in Hong Kong. These encompassed more than half of the country’s public hospitals, COVID-19 sample collection points, and quarantine facilities.

Installing Aurabeat, Seow assures, boosts protection against COVID-19 and reduces infection rates at workplaces, public areas and even restaurants.

“There would be no need to fret about business disruption, revenue losses, business closures, incidental costs for building sanitisation and in cases of positive infections, costs of swab tests which is a must.

“The pandemic has not been kind to anyone but at Solomon Global, we believe that prevention is just as important as finding and providing solutions. It is our mission to help people keep health risks at bay,” he explained.

The Aurabeat air purifier comes in three sizes – portable for smaller spaces, Aurabeat AG+™ Silver Ion Plasma Sterilisation Air Purifier that is ideal for business and home spaces and the Aurabeat AG+™ Anti-COVID-19 Commercial Filters which protects building ventilation systems and commercial spaces.

The portable Aurabeat air purifier can be used for smaller spaces

The product applies the patent-pending AG+™ Antiviral Air Filtration Technology that eliminates >99.9% of COVID-19 within 30 minutes. When turned on, the air purifier traps and eliminates not just COVID-19 but other bacteria and viruses on contact, thus reducing all risks of infection and airborne transmission. This is done through its five-stage filtration and disinfection mechanism: Pre-Filter, High Efficiency Silver Ion Air Filter, Nano-crystalline Filter, UV Disinfection and Plasma Sterilisation.

Currently, people are left with no solution other than the preventive measures of washing or sanitizing their hands often, wearing masks and keeping a safe social distance. Installing this product, Seow reiterates, will complement and see an upscale of precautionary measures which will only beneficial across the board.

The breakthrough and achievements of this product was verified in independent laboratory tests by many independent organisations, including the FDA and MRIGlobal – a renowned virus research institute in the US. To confirm the air purifier’s effectiveness, the lab used samples of the COVID-19 virus that were isolated from a confirmed case patient. Aurabeat AG+™ Silver Ion Plasma Sterilisation Air Purifier received the approval of all independent bodies on its capabilities in eliminating the virus.

Seow said the Aurabeat is suitable for use in homes, offices and in large complexes like malls, hotels and schools. Since its development, it has been highly-sought after and is currently used in more than 20 countries. Hong Kong alone has it deployed in some government offices, business premises like Sun Hung Kai Properties, clinics, schools, shopping malls and other buildings.

“Solomon Global recognises the importance of innovative products that can help people. We would like for Malaysia and all the relevant stakeholders to recover from the effects of the pandemic. We look forward to seeing a healthier nation in the coming days,” he added.

Solomon Global was established in 2013 and specialises in health-centric products that focuses on reducing risks of virus infection. Learn more about the Aurabeat air purifier from Solomon Global at or call 03-5882 9501 / 013-773 7387 for details.