COVID-19: MySejahtera app helps users monitor personal health status


Kuala Lumpur, 21 April 2020 – Members of the public can now monitor their own health status during the period of Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented to curb COVID-19 infections through a health application called MySejahtera.

MySejahtera allows users to conduct personal health self-assessment and, while doing it, enabling the Ministry of Health (MOH) to obtain early information of their status for further, fast and effective action.

Based on application’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), users can learn about the classification of their health by answering several questions such as symptoms experienced and their travel history.

Through these self-assessment questions, users will be informed of their health status and will be given guidelines on the next course of action should they experience any COVID-19 symptoms.

It also allows users to check the health status of their family members or other individuals staying together.

MySejahtera, which was launched yesterday, was developed through the strategic cooperation between the MOH, National Security Council (MKN), Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

More than 90,000 users have registered with MySejahtera so far.

The app also provides latest updates on COVID-19, nearest health facilities, health guides and various health-related information.

According to the FAQ, the government also gave assurance that personal information of users will only be used for the purpose of monitoring and preventing COVID-19 infections and will not be shared or provided to any other party.

Registration can be made by scanning the QR code or go to and by downloading the app from the Gallery of Malaysian Government Mobile Applications (GAMMA), Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Huawei AppGallery.

The app is supported by all smartphone devices using Android system software version 4.4 and iOS 11 and above.