Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia Launches New Guidelines for Managing Psychosocial Risks in the Workplace

Employees engage in a conversation in the 'Debriefing and De-stress Room,' a dedicated space designed to promote mental well-being in the workplace.

Kuala Lumpur, 18 October 2024 – Psychosocial issues within the Malaysian workforce have reached a critical point. The recent National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2023 indicates that approximately 4.6% of the adult population in Malaysia experience depressive symptoms. Globally, in 2022, 15% of employees suffered from psychosocial issues. Alarmingly, this has resulted in a total productivity loss of USD 1 trillion, 12 billion man-days lost, and a 50% loss due to indirect costs. These statistics highlight the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address mental well-being in professional settings. The impact is not only felt by individuals but also affects organisational productivity and the broader economy.

Introducing the New Psychosocial Risk Management Guidelines

In response to this urgent issue, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia is set to launch the Guidelines on Psychosocial Risk Assessment and Management at the Workplace 2024. This comprehensive guideline aims to reduce psychosocial risks within workplaces across Malaysia and promote healthier working environments that support employee well-being. It provides practical tools and methodologies for HR professionals and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) practitioners to assess and manage psychosocial risks effectively.

A female employee visibly experiences workplace stress, underlining the urgent need for implementing effective psychosocial risk management strategies

Key Features of the Guidelines

The guidelines offer a structured approach to identifying and mitigating factors that contribute to workplace stress and psychosocial issues. Key components include assessment tools with standardised methods for evaluating psychosocial risks within various work environments. They also present management strategies, offering evidence-based interventions to address identified risks, including policy development and organisational change. Additionally, the guidelines recommend establishing employee support systems such as counselling services, employee assistance programs, and psychosocial awareness training.

Seminar for HR and OSH Professionals

To facilitate the implementation of these guidelines, DOSH Malaysia is organising a dedicated seminar targeting HR professionals and OSH practitioners. The seminar will provide in-depth exploration through detailed presentations on the guidelines’ content and application. Attendees will gain expert insights from leading mental health experts from both the private and public sectors. The event also includes interactive workshops, offering opportunities to engage in practical exercises and discussions on managing psychosocial risks.

Employees take a break from their workday to enjoy a game of pool, demonstrating how recreational activities in the workplace can help manage stress and improve mental well-being

Event Details

The seminar is scheduled for October 26th and 27th at SCCC Setia Alam. Admission is free for all HR professionals and OSH practitioners. Interested participants can register through DOSH Malaysia’s official website or find more information at

Addressing the Urgent Need for Action

The launch of these guidelines and the accompanying seminar come at a crucial time. The rise in workplace psychosocial issues necessitates immediate and concerted efforts from all stakeholders. By equipping professionals with the necessary tools and knowledge, organisations can identify and mitigate stressors before they escalate, foster a supportive culture that prioritises employee well-being, and enhance productivity and morale, leading to better organisational outcomes.
