Martin Yan to Appear in Kuching for 2-day Charity Culinary Showcase


Kuching, 29 April 2019: Distinguished international host chef and culinary consultant Martin Yan is in Kuching today to pay a courtesy visit to the Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Datuk Lee Kim Shin, in the run up to the 2nd Asia Pacific Culinary Forum and International Charity Cooking Demonstration 2019 to be held on 14 – 16 May 2019.

Today marks the official announcement of the charity demonstration led by the iconic chef, best known for his show ‘Yan Can Cook’. The event is organised by the Kuching How Yu Chefs Associations in conjunction with The Malaysia Koo Soo Restaurants and Chefs Association’s 39th Session Annual General Meeting 2019, also on 14 May 2019.

The culinary showstopper is in aid of The Society for Critically Sick Children (S.O.S Kids) and Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society (SCCS) – a corporate social responsibility initiative by the Malaysia Koo Soo Restaurant & Chefs Association and Kuching How Yu Chefs Association. In a statement, Association Chairman, Goh Ah Seng, said “We are expecting a positive turnout for the demonstration with a world-renowned chef whose efforts and expertise will be giving back to our community.”

The forum and demonstration is a step in the right direction when it comes to elevating the business events industry according to Business Events Sarawak’s (BESarawak) Chief Operating Officer, Amelia Roziman, “This will enhance the youth’s interest toward the culinary industry and provide more diversity, opportunities and international exposure for the youth and local practitioners in the culinary industry.”

Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Datuk Lee Kim Shin reiterates the significance of this event with Sarawak tourism, stating “It is not only a meeting and forum but it is also considered an international event tie up with Visit Sarawak Campaign (VSC) 2019. This event will be listed as part of VSC to attract more delegates from different countries.”

The 2-day charity cooking demonstration will be held on 15 & 16 May 2019. The first day (15 May 2019) will be held at Aeroville Mall – sponsored by Aeroville Mall – and the public can purchase tickets for RM100 each. The second day (16 May 2019) will be at The Spring Shopping Mall – sponsored by The Spring Shopping Mall – and is free for the public to join.