WARRIOR READY!: Sarawak’s Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Endorses Tribal Warrior Challenge


Tribal Warrior Challenge is an obstacle course race organised by Borneo Tru Events in partnership with Sarawak Convention Bureau’s (SCB) latest campaign – “Redefining Global Tribes”, taking place at Sarawak Stadium’s Celebration Square in Kuching on August 19th 2017.

Sarawak Convention Bureau (SCB) was established in 2006 by the State Government of Sarawak. SCB is a non-profit company whose aim is to bring Sarawak to the forefront as a competitive destination for international meetings. The Bureau is a member of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). SCB’s mission is to help connect NGOs, corporations and government bodies in their collective quest to make international conventions a success in Sarawak.

For more information on the Tribal Warrior Challenge, go to www.tribalwarrior.my

For more information on Sarawak Convention Bureau, log on to www.sarawakcb.com