CVSKL empaneled into Skim Rawatan Jantung Negeri Selangor

Photo 1- Mr. Anwar Anis (CEO of CVSKL) and Dr. Muaz Omar (Director of SELCARE) exchanging the signed agreement.

KUALA LUMPUR, 27 September 2019 – As part of its ethos to be community-centric and its
CSR objectives, Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur (CVSKL) expects to treat about 100
heart patients in the next one year upon its empanelment as one of the hospitals to provide
treatment for members of the Skim Peduli Sihat Negeri Selangor.

Within the “Skim Rawatan Jantung” initiative under the Peduli Sihat programme which is
specifically tailored for low-income households (B40) citizens of Selangor, CVSKL announced
that this initiative is made possible through the involvement of its consultants’ specialist, and will be an ongoing CSR effort.

“Next year, we expect to treat two to three bypass patients per month, and five coronary
stenting patients also on a monthly basis. This will bring the total to between 84 and 96 patients in 2020,” said CVSKL Chairman, Tan Sri Dato Dr. Yahya Awang.

B40 citizens in Selangor – those earning monthly household incomes of between RM2,000 and RM8,000 – who are members of Skim Peduli Sihat would be able to get treatment at CVSKL if they fulfil the criteria set under the programme.

“With this effort, we hope we will be able to reduce the burden of the public hospitals in
providing quality care and treatment to the qualifying citizens of Selangor, “Dr Yahya added.

The scheme, Dr Yahya explains, is akin to the empanelment of hospitals into insurers where as a panel hospital of the insurer, the hospital can begin treating a patient upon receiving a
Guarantee Letter (GL).

Chief Executive Officer of SELGATE Noor Hisham Mohd Ghouth, said: “A total sum of more than RM12 million has been spent for treating heart disease patients since the inception of the Skim Rawatan Jantung Negeri Selangor on February 25, 2018. Almost 1,000 patients have received wellness and medical intervention benefits from this programme to date,” he said.

Acknowledging CVSKL’s position as a leading hospital in cardiac and vascular treatment, Noor
Hisham commended its effort to offer competitive rates to its patients. He said SELCARE
Management was in support of the hospital’s philosophy that private healthcare providers
should actively participate in CSR programmes – like this – to contribute back to society at large.

“SELCARE expects more heart patients to be treated this year with an estimated projection of about 500 patients and are spending of RM5 million,” he added.

CVSKL had its first patient treated under the scheme on September 24th , which coincided with an empanelment signing ceremony, between CVSKL and SELCARE, at the hospital itself. “With this programme, the Skim Peduli Sihat members will be able to seek treatment at more centres in addition to government hospitals. We hope that this will reduce waiting time for procedures and allow for faster interventions that will benefit patients,” said Dato’ Dr. Tamil Selvan Muthusamy, who represented CVSKL in his capacity as its Medical Advisory Committee Chairman.

Addressing the treatments covered by CVSKL under the scheme, Dr Tamil Selvan explained
that these would comprise Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) procedures and
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) procedures.

“As part of the scheme, we are taking a conscious effort to live up to our commitment to be a private hospital with a CSR element. We sincerely hope that this collaboration with the Selangor government will enable CVSKL to achieve its ambition to be the region's Cardiac and Vascular Centre of Excellence,”Dr Tamil Selvan added.