Malaysia Healthcare Continues Expanding Networks in China

MHTC CEO, Sherene Azli and the Managing Director of MJ Malaysia, Tee Swee Guan.

Malaysia Healthcare and MJ Malaysia Sign Memorandum of Understanding

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SHENZHEN, CHINA, 22 FEBRUARY 2019 – Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC)
combines efforts with international health screening group, MJ Life’s Malaysian counterpart – MJ Malaysia through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU signifies the intended partnership between MHTC and MJ Malaysia in positioning Malaysia as the leading global destination for healthcare.

This collaboration will see the two organisations working closely together to feature Malaysia’s healthcare travel offerings to MJ Life’s network in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Malaysia Healthcare’s offerings of world-class quality, easy accessibility and competitive affordability in private healthcare will be further strengthened with MJ Malaysia’s excellent healthcare management services providing a smooth journey for healthcare travellers from China showcasing the true Malaysian hospitality.

The partnership between Malaysia Healthcare and MJ Life takes on an integrated approach at promoting Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry by enhancing the end-to-end patient experience. The signing ceremony was led by both Sherene Azli, Chief Executive Officer of MHTC and Tee Swee Guan, Managing Director of MJ Malaysia. Also present on stage during the signing ceremony were Zulkefli Idris, Project Director and Vice President of Business Sustainability, MHTC, and Dato’ Yau Kok Seng, Deputy Chairman of MJ Malaysia.

The partnership between Malaysia Healthcare and MJ Life takes on an integrated approach at
promoting Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry by enhancing the end-to-end patient experience.

“Malaysia Healthcare’s partnership with MJ Malaysia is another milestone achieved showcasing Malaysia’s world-class quality healthcare service offerings in particular achieving high success rates in the areas of fertility,” Sherene commented. “We aim to give better hope to parents yearning for babies and welcome more than 5,000 healthcare travellers from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan through this partnership. We warmly invite you to come and Experience Malaysia Healthcare with our upcoming campaign – Malaysia Year of Healthcare Travel 2020!”

As a group, MJ Life has the largest health screening database in Asia with 28 premium centres and hundreds of ordinary centres internationally, providing preventive healthcare measures for their consumers. MJ Malaysia will focus on raising awareness to their network of healthcare travellers on Malaysia’s fertility, vaccination, regeneration wellness, and aesthetic services by highlighting Malaysia Healthcare’s member hospitals and their offerings.

“MJ Malaysia is all geared up to work closely with Malaysia Healthcare in strengthening Malaysia’s healthcare offerings to the people of China,” Tee Swee Guan shared. “We aim to achieve remarkable outcomes through this partnership.”

“Working together with MJ Malaysia also supports our efforts in cementing our position as the Fertility Hub of Asia,” Sherene further commented. “We work towards Giving Hope to Dreams to hopeful couples, as Malaysia’s fertility treatment offerings have shown exceptional success ratesof 1 in 2 successful clinical pregnancies. Between 2011 to 2016, there has been an almost 300% increase of healthcare travellers from China seeking fertility treatments here in Malaysia,” she added.

Malaysia Healthcare has served in excess of 1.2 million healthcare travellers in 2018, bringing in close to RM1.5 billion in healthcare traveller revenue, with the industry growing at an average rate of 16-17% every year. Between 2017 to 2018, there has been a forecast of 106% increase of healthcare traveller revenue from China.

Malaysia Year of Healthcare Travel 2020 is a national level healthcare travel campaign with the key aim of propelling Malaysia to the world stage as a reputable global healthcare travel destination. This initiative also aims to increase the economic impact contributed by both the health and tourism sectors. Malaysia has all the right ingredients and offers healthcare travellers a seamless journey towards recovery and wellness, promising quality care for peace of mind.

Malaysia Healthcare has continuously raised its position as a global healthcare travel destination over the last few years. The country was named “Medical Travel Destination of the Year” by the IMTJ Medical Travel Awards from 2015 – 2017, with a highly commendable mention at the recent IMTJ Awards 2018. MHTC was also recognised as IMTJ’s “Medical Travel Cluster of the Year” from 2017-2018. LaingBuisson, a UK-based healthcare intelligence company, in their 2018 Global Market Report ranked Malaysia as the eighth out of the top 25 medical travel destinations by healthcare traveller revenue.

(Source: International Medical Travel Journal).

Malaysia has also been acknowledged as the “Best Country in the World for Healthcare” by
International Living’s Annual Global Retirement Index from 2015 to 2017 and 2019 and ranked as the top destination in Asia for retirement in the 2019 index.