Preserve And Increase The Capacity Of Our Healthcare System


Malaysia, 21 April 2020 – The Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS), Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), Malaysian Dental Association (MDA) and Malaysian Medics International (MMI) stand together in our belief that to be victorious in our combat against COVID-19, it is critical for us to preserve and increase the capacity of our healthcare system. Our nation’s health professionals have thus far answered their call of duty during this pandemic with courage and sacrifice and the nation should recognise and protect them.

With that in mind, we applaud the decision by the Health Minister, YB Dato’ Sri Dr. Adham Bin Baba, who announced a contract extension of 6 months to contract medical officers, dentists and pharmacists serving in the Ministry of Health facilities on the 15th April 2020. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Ministry of Health for this move in this critical time, as these group of healthcare professionals would have their contracts terminated within year 2020.

This is a welcome first step and signifies the recognition by a grateful nation for the contract doctors, dentists and pharmacists at the front lines in this great fight against an invisible enemy. It is an recognition of their perseverance, determination and ability to work closely together to hold the disease at bay for the greater benefit of all Malaysians.

We also hope that with a renewed emphasis on the health of the rakyat, the government can, in the future, eventually create more permanent posts and devise a suitable career pathway for contract medical officers, dental officers and pharmacists. Adequate levels of health professionals serving the people is integral to the long-term sustainability of our healthcare system.

Collaboration between doctors, dentists and pharmacists is a cornerstone in ensuring the health of the people and to this end, MPS, MMA, MDA and MMI are hopeful for more engagements to be held with the Ministry of Health in the future to discuss the long term implications at the appropriate time.

Together let us win this battle together. Together we must win this war on COVID-19.