OIC-CERT Successfully Organised the 9th General Meeting and Annual Conference 2018


Shiraz (Iran), 30 November 2018 – The Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation –
Computer Emergency Response Team (OIC-CERT) has successfully organised the 9th
General Meeting and Annual Conference 2018 with the theme “Cyber Threats to the Public :
Social Networks and Mobile Apps”.

About 200 participants from 11 countries and 35 major universities in Iran attended this
annual event that was held in Shiraz, the capital culture city of Iran. The focus is on cyber
security agendas which include topics and issues pertaining to the Internet of Things, social
networks and mobile applications.

The event also emphases on encouraging experience and information sharing in preventing and reducing cyber threats especially in the social media through collaborative research, development and innovation in cyber security and the strengthening of relationships amongst CERTs within the OIC member countries, partners and stakeholders.

The 4-day event, from 26 to 29 November was officiated by the Deputy Minister of the ICT Ministry of Iran, Nasyollah Jahangard. “As we are facing the advancement of systems
and tools in the cyber environment, it is now crucial that countries especially the OIC
members work together in facing new cyber threats and cyber incidents”, Nasyollah said.

Engr. Bader Ali Said Al Salehi, the Chair of the OIC-CERT and the Director General of the
Oman National CERT said, “The direction towards the 4 th industrial revolution, beside its
impact on efficiency and performance enhancement, has also a significant impact on cyber
security unless proper measures are taken to ensure better readiness to manage cyber
threats and cyber crimes”.

Meanwhile, General Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Panglima Mohamad Azumi bin Mohamad, Advisor to
the OIC-CERT Chair and the Chairman to the Board of Directors of CyberSecurity Malaysia,
applauded Iran for discovering the new breed of Stuxnet malware designed to disrupt the
telco operation of the country. This is made possible with the technical expertise that Iran
has developed. “In the cyber domain, not a single day has passed without reference to
cyber security”, Tan Sri Azumi added.

The OIC-CERT annual event, which is organized by CyberSecurity Malaysia as the
Permanent Secretariat of the OIC-CERT, with the hosting country, is a continuous initiative
by the OIC-CERT to enhance cyber security and raising awareness through international
cooperation among the members and information security organisations. This event also
offers possible partnerships and collaboration pertaining to cyber security in order to
maintain resiliency in the cyber space. It also provides an information sharing platform on
cyber security issues, enhancement of members’ effectiveness and efficiency through the
improvement of the technical and administrative capabilities in incident handling, and a
channel to discuss strategic directions and future challenges.