River Care Award 2021 is open for nominations


Petaling Jaya, 7 July 2021 – The National River Care Fund (NRCF) is paying tribute to Malaysia’s most deserving river care champions through the River Care Award 2021.

NRCF Advisory Committee Chairman, Dato’ Ir. Lim Chow Hock today announced that the River Care Award 2021 is open for nominations today. The announcement of the award winners and prize presentation scheduled to be held on World Rivers Day 2021 in September. “This is a timely opportunity to showcase and reward the dedication of individuals and groups who actively contribute towards sustainable river care and support sustainable river basin management,” said Dato’ Lim, who is also Global Environment Centre (GEC)’s Advisory Council member.

For the next month, until August 5, 2021, individuals and organisations from public and civil society movements can nominate their own or other organisations which have been active in river protection or rehabilitation in partnership with, or with support of, NRCF (Cycles 1-6) or GEC over the past five years.

This year’s award, themed Recognising River Care Community Champions aims to raise awareness among members of the public and encourage Malaysians from all walks of life to implement localised, community-based action plans or initiatives, which are sustainable and able to protect as well as mitigate river-related issues. The top three award winners will each take home cash prizes valued at RM5,000 (champion), RM3,000 (first runner-up) and RM1,000 (second runner-up). While two consolation award winners will receive a RM500 cash prize. Each winner will receive a trophy and certification of recognition.

Dato’ Lim pointed out that over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country has witnessed the determination, resilience, creativity and agility of local communities and individuals to adapt to rapidly changing and challenging situations, while finding innovative and nature-based solutions for long-term sustainability. “And so we want to take this opportunity to acknowledge those driving river care initiatives within communities nationwide,” said Lim.

Meanwhile, GEC Director Mr Faizal Parish highlighted that “among the many good stewards of river conservation in our country, there are champions who stand out as beacons of hope whose example can inspire more Malaysians to embark on river care initiatives.”. He said GEC, as one of the pioneers in citizen science and river basin management, values the contribution of CBOs and local groups in protecting the rivers in Malaysia.

Faizal said GEC hopes to make the River Care Award an annual tribute to Malaysia’s growing number of river care champions. The awards recognise the local champions who implement best practices in river restoration, rehabilitation, monitoring and catchment management under the NRCF and other GEC-related projects and programmes. Additionally, the awards will showcase the diversity of ways people are preserving and conserving our rivers, while the awards itself is a catalyst the champion to become the driver for community’s bottom up river basin conservation and best practices, while encourage good stewardship of the country’s rivers.

For more details on the criteria for award nominations, check out www.nationalrivercarefund.org.my