Over a Dozen Organizations Sponsor Sarawak’s Redefining Global Tribes Campaign Showdown


Kuching, 16th August 2017: Sarawak’s boldest campaign, Redefining Global Tribes, has received unwavering support from over a dozen organizations from all over Malaysia in realizing the state’s Business Events aspiration this coming weekend.

Major sponsors include Borneo Tru Events, Qatar Airlines, Hilton Hotel Kuching, Pullman Kuching, CPH Travel Agency, Place Borneo, Evenesis (Y Us Sdn Bhd) and Intelectasia.

The Redefining Global Tribes campaign also engages BESarawak partners – destination management company Aiman Planet Borneo, UCSI Hotel, and event organisers Spiral Events and Event Horizon for off site venues for the 4-day 3-nights familiarization (FAM) trip.

International associations such as the International Congress and Conventions Associations (ICCA) Asia Pacific rallied to join the campaign movement as well, with Regional Director Mr Noor Ahmad Hamid elected as the main facilitator for the “We Are the Global Tribes- Redefined Business Forum”; a deep dive into the significance of global Business Events tribes.

“What we have here today is a projection of a unified goal, backed by our sponsors and partners who understand the value of Business Events. Redefining Global Tribes is not a one-off campaign; the call for collaboration will be much more evident as we venture into the next decade of Business Events,” remarked Amelia Roziman, Chief Operating Officer of Sarawak Convention Bureau (SCB).

Commencing this Thursday 17th August, SCB will gather approximately 100 experts from national and international associations, academia, corporate, media, and convention ambassadors to be the pioneering batch of the State’s boldest branding campaign to date.

Ending on August 20th, the FAM trip is set to ignite the Tribal Warrior Challenge; an obstacle course race where the 100 experts will be participating in the 5km Bizst Mode category.

Roziman explains the significance behind the obstacle course race held during the FAM trip. “It is rather unusual, but we are always reinventing what Sarawak can offer for the Business Events sector. The 5km Bizst Mode reinforces the key values of tackling a challenge in life or business using the values of Unity, Community and Identity.”

“The nature of the challenge demonstrates the value of teamwork, and how the obstacles, as imposing as they may seem, can be overcome with a community of like-minded individuals,” concluded Roziman.

For more information about the Redefining Global Tribes campaign, please email [email protected] or call 082-242516. For more information on the Tribal Warrior Challenge, head down to www.tribalwarrior.my.