COVID 19- Plea from the Magnitude Healthcare, Chief Executive Officer “The only thing Necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing”


KUALA LUMPUR 31 MARCH 2020 :  COVID – 19 had dominated the headlines of newspapers worldwide since December 2019. In the last 2 months, it has taken the world by storm, and claimed tens of thousands of lives. WHO had now declared COVID – 19 a pandemic, meaning that it is now a pandemonium of worldwide proportions.

While almost a million people were affected by the illness, more than 100 Million people have been affected economically. More than USD1Trillion in deficits world wide, and almost RM100B in losses in Malaysia. COVID – 19 is an economic disaster, worsened by the Movement Control Order (MCO) that was rightly ordered in order to curb the spread of the infection. Many companies, mostly SMEs and even large Multinational companies were being forced to shutdown due to the infections having learnt from successes in Japan and Korea, and the failures in the USA, Italy and Spain, we know that the way forward is testing. The higher the number of people tested, the higher the likelihood of segregating those positives from the negatives, and stumping the spread of the virus.

Magnitude Healthcare, as a Healthcare Service Provider, has taken upon ourselves to do the following:

  • COST PRICE TESTING for Corporate and Community Screening
  • Corporate & Community testing to increase the number of screened population, and reduce the overall workload of the public healthcare system, which is at its maximal capacity
  • Drive through and Home sampling for PCR Testing
  • COVID – 19 testing via RT PCR method only, to ensure minimal false negatives
  • Reduced Price Screening for everyone
  • Working with NGOs to cover our cost of screening so everyone can screen

We understand that the price of the testing may be significant at this moment, but let me assure you that no amount of money may replace health, or the risk undertaken by our healthcare providers in offering testing, hence, ALL our charges to communities and companies are to cover all costs incurred to us and incidentals only!

Now its your turn, if you own or manage a company or human resources, we need your help. Help the country by helping us get all your employees tested by:

Getting all your employees tested before the MCO ends. Let us know, and our team will help    you make arrangements

Help pay the test forward

COVID – 19  will damage your business significantly if one or more of your employees return to work positive. We have seen the impact of MCO on our economy, let us all help each other in ensuring that this disease can be curtailed. TEST TEST TEST, that is our mission now.

Magnitude Healthcare would like to thank all our frontliners for their effort in keeping us all safe. Stay safe, and may god bless us all.

We Have done our part!! have you???

Get Yourself and Your Staff tested now – The Magnitude Healthcare is 03-3359 5415