Free intellectual property application services to all Malaysian healthcare employees

Managing Director, Ramakrishna Damodharan

Adipven (M) Sdn. Bhd. will give out free intellectual property (IP) application in Malaysia for all employees at hospitals and clinics
nationwide, accounted to be between RM1,000 to RM20,000, regardless of whether they serve in the government sector or private sector.

Managing Director, Ramakrishna Damodharan said this community initiative is offered amidst the urgent call by various stakeholders for non-medical experts to join forces with medical experts to tap on their ingenuity, brains and resources to combat the present Covid-19 outbreak.

“As a sign of appreciation and incentive to those at the healthcare centres protecting Malaysia from the contagion, all employees from various positions which include senior management and medical professionals such as specialists, doctors, nurses, support staff and allied health professionals will be eligible to apply. Adipven as the IP and Commercialisation consultancy firm will work alongside with them by helping them to register for the trademarks, patents, copyrights or industrial designs in Malaysia,” he said.

“To encourage them to apply, this package will be eligible commencing now until the end of April 2020. On a needs basis, it may be extended until the end of the pandemic,” added Ramakrishna.

Based on the worrying pattern of occurrence of previous cases of coronaviruses in the past such as the SARS outbreak which killed around 800 worldwide in 2003 and the MERS outbreak in 2012, with about 36% of those diagnosed with the disease die from it, another threatening pandemic may be forthcoming in the next decade or so.”

“Therefore, seeing that time is not on our side, I urge the top minds in the medical field to not wait until the next outbreak, but start planning for patent protection, which is more important now than ever!” concluded Ramakrishna an IP practitioner with 20 years of experience in handling a myriad of IP cases for local and foreign clients.

The IP & Commercialisation firm based in Kuala Lumpur hopes to raise awareness that while the world scrambles to develop vaccines in treating patients with COVID-19, protection of intellectual property in the medical field in Malaysia is to be put in place now for better preparedness against the next Coronavirus to minimise its severe impacts for future generations.

The free services for IP applications are available in four categories:

The complimentary services include patent search, drafting, filing a patent application and prosecution in Malaysia. Patentable inventions include but not limited to drugs (chemical structure), vaccination testing methods and applications, vaccine quality control and medical devices, machines and systems, etc. The costs will be in the region of RM20,000.

The complimentary services include trademark search, filing and prosecution in Malaysia. Registrable trademarks include names of hospitals and clinics, logos, etc. The costs will be in the region of RM3,000.

The complimentary services limited to filing copyright application in Malaysia. Registrable copyrights include articles, presentations, operating procedures, etc. The costs will be in the region of RM1,000.

Industrial design
The complimentary services include filing an industrial design application and prosecution in Malaysia. Registrable industrial designs include new shapes of medical devices. The costs will be in the region of RM3,000.

“If interested parties are not sure what can be registerable or if they qualify for this promotion, they can always write to us to find out more at [email protected] and we will advise them accordingly, all free-of-charge”.