Izara Aishah and influencers make a stand for period pride- ENYA.


Kuala Lumpur: Co-founders of ENYA, Izara Aishah and Elaine Hong alongside other influential women such as Yise Loo, Tya Arifin and Adeline Tsen came together to celebrate the official launch of ENYA at Saro Lounge on the 11th of September 2019.

During the event, attendees had conversations about menstruation with questions like “How old were you when you had your first period?” and “What is your first-period story?”. Izara also shared her first-period experience saying that her family held a big celebration for her.

“We want to make women’s lives easier,” said Izara Aishah. “This afternoon, we have had conversations about our periods in a safe environment. As influential women, we need to use our voices to bring spaces like this out there. Empowerment starts from the little things like making conscious choices for our bodies.”

Elaine Hong, the founder of ENYA had this to say, “I’ve learned so much about how periods are connected to our wellbeing, which is why we are going to work with our partners to create a community where women can talk about these things openly. We’re moving a step closer to making feminine care options even more accessible via ENYA Basics. We look forward to having more of you join us on this journey.”

ENYA first entered the market earlier this year in conjunction with International Women’s Day. It has quickly expanded across Malaysia with many women and influencers following them. The company’s vision is to provide quality care to women everywhere starting with sanitary pads made with organic cotton.

During the launch, they also announced the arrival of ENYA Basics. It’s a free for life subscription package which delivers organic cotton sanitary pads to your doorstep. Subscribers will only have to pay a nominal fee of RM10 for shipping and handling.

“Many people reached out and asked how long does the promotion for ENYA Basics last. It is not a one-off marketing campaign to get people hooked but a permanent feature of our company. Women deserve affordable and healthier period care options,” Elaine chuckled as she explains her ideology of driving women empowerment through personal care.

Their vision has attracted many to #maketheswitch to organic cotton sanitary pads and conscious choices for their body. It’s supported by an event partner, Saro Lounge and sponsors, Genwhy and Ilham Flora who are dedicated to bringing more conscious choices to women.

ENYA basics are now open for subscription at www.enya.my.