PruBSN is the First Takaful Operator to Win Gold Award at the APPIES


Kuala Lumpur, 26 April 2018 – Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad (PruBSN) was honoured with the Gold award at the recent APPIES Malaysia 2018. The award recognised the outstanding marketing campaign of PruBSN Anugerah plan, further reinforcing the company’s strategic focus on developing innovative and customer focused products to meet the needs of the Malaysian population.

APPIES is an annual festival for the best and most innovative marketing campaigns in Malaysia and across Asia. Only outstanding campaigns that have unique marketing success stories will go on to ultimately win the APPIES Gold or Silver medals. This year, 54 marketing case studies from various organisations were presented and further evaluated by more than 30 decision makers from the marketing field.

PruBSN’s was recognised for the solid execution of its PruBSN Anugerah value proposition which tied in very closely with its targeted customer segment. The success of the campaign was further affirmed by significant response in the product in a short span of three months.
Commenting on the success, Chief Marketing Officer of PruBSN, Wan Saifulrizal Wan Ismail said “This is a tremendous recognition for all of us involved with the creation and promotion of PruBSN Anugerah, and we are truly honoured to receive this recognition from APPIES.

My appreciation also goes out to our customers and agents for their continued support. Across everything we do, we remain focused on developing customer-centric solutions that genuinely fulfill the evolving needs of our customers.”

PruBSN Anugerah was introduced to address the large protection gap in Malaysia. Various studies, including Bank Negara Malaysia’s, revealed that only a third of the Malaysian population are protected by takaful or insurance. Even for those who are insured, there is still a large protection gap of RM553,000 to RM723,000 per family, which is the amount needed to maintain their existing standard of living if the primary wage earner pass away.

Ideal as a starter takaful plan for young adults or families who are looking for their first protection solution, PruBSN Anugerah is affordable and simple, and can be further customised with rider options for medical and critical illness coverage.

The minimum contribution of the plan is as low as RM50 per month. Customers also
have the flexibility to select their basic sum covered, benefit term and contribution frequency.