Pharmacists are the Backbone of the Health Care System

  • Pharmacists are the backbone of the health care system because they are involved in all aspects of the medication delivery system
  • To honour their contributions, the pre-celebrations of World Pharmacist Day kicked off in Selangor

Kuala Langat 6 May 2017​– ​Pre-celebrations of World Pharmacist Day 2017 kicked off today at Tesco Extra Jenjarom by the Guest of Honor, Senior Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Dr. Salmah Bahari.

The event was the first of a six leg statewide celebration that will be conducted monthly until the grand finale on 30 September 2017. This event was jointly organized by the ​the Pharmaceutical Services Division of the Selangor State Health Department and the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society.

Dr. Salmah in her speech highlighted that there were 10,508 registered pharmacists in Malaysia of which 7,703 were practicing in the public sector. “To achieve the WHO ratio of 1 :2000, the nation needs more pharmacist,” she said. “Pharmacists are the backbone of the health care system because they are involved in all aspects of the medication delivery system”

Dr. Salmah further said, “There are 19,200,408 internet users in Malaysia who spend an average of 5 hours 36 minutes online daily. 64% of the Malaysian population are on social media and they spend an average of 3 hours 17 minutes daily on social media. Based on needs, we must provide accurate information to the public via the internet and social media, therefore we support the NGO called Medical Mythbuster Malaysia, endorsed by MOH in their quest to disseminate correct medical information and increase awareness”.

During the event, Dr Salmah launched the WPD capsule shaped baton and presented it to the Zon Leader of Kuala Langat, Puan Roziana Alias, Chief Pharmacist of Hospital Banting. This symbolic capsule will then be passed from zone to zone. She went on to view the booths and free health screening services provided by the pharmacists who took part in the event. There was also a coloring contest, organ donation drive and  a blood donation drive held at the event.

In attendance was the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society President Amrahi Buang who stated that this event was very unique and the first of its kind nationwide, whereby each zone in Selangor would conduct various activities designed to showcase the actual roles of pharmacists both in the public and private sectors. The positive collaboration between JKNS and MPS as the recognized national professional body for pharmacists shows that both parties support the policy of close collaboration between public and private sectors.

“The collaborative effort between public sector pharmacist and private sector pharmacist is a huge benefit to the public. It is a clear indicator that when it comes to healthcare, all practitioners no matter what the background, need to work hand in hand and be true “partners in health care”.” he added.

Amrahi said, “MPS is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year and the annual World Pharmacist Day features high on our event calendar as this year’s WPD theme, “From research to health care: Your pharmacist is at your service” gels with the MPS motto of “Service towards a healthy society”. The rakyat deserve the best in terms of pharmaceutical care and MPS has never shied away from advocating that all pharmacists must serve with the highest level of professionalism.”

The Deputy Director of Health (Pharmacy) for the State of Selangor, Dr Roshayati Mohd Sani in her speech highlighted that, “When my office started this event it was with the clear objective that we want to enhance the relationship between the public and pharmacists, to increase the awareness of the public about pharmacists and pharmacy practice and to enhance the knowledge of Selangor pharmacists on current issues in pharmaceutical care and patient care”.

Deputy Director of Pharmacy (Practice & Development) Pharmaceutical Services Division, Selangor State Health Department, Akmalyatun Kamal Kamaruddin,  who chairs the organizing committee for the event informed reporters that, “There are 6 zones involved in the Road to World Pharmacist Day 2017, 2 zones will be conducting their celebrations in May 2017 and subsequently zones will conduct their celebrations from July 2017 onwards until the finale in September 2017”.

”The objective of Road to WPD 2017 is very clear, we want the people of Selangor to get to know the profession and professional services we offer. The people of Selangor should take full advantage of the services and knowledge pharmacist can offer as we are the experts on medicine use.”

The event today concluded with a prize giving ceremony for the winning teams of the ‘Know Your Medicine Explorace’ which is an extension of the ‘Know Your Medicine Campaign’.This explorace will be a recurrent theme in all the other legs of the Road To World Pharmacist Day 2017.